Contact Persons
In order to get answers to questions you have concerning your studies and our programs as quickly and efficiently as possible, please contact the designated staff members at the Institute of Political Science and Sociology and at the University of Würzburg that are listed below.
- Transfer of Credits to our Bachelors Program: Examination Committee Political and Social Studies
- Study Abroad and ERASMUS+: Information regarding Studies Abroad and ERASMUS+
- BaföG (German Federal Law on Support in Education): Information concerning certification of academic progress
- Counseling - psychological, social, legal: Studierendenwerk Würzburg (Student Service Organization)
- Undergraduate (Bachelor) course-related advising: Anja Harder and Dr. Thomas Leuerer
- Graduate course-related advising (Master PSSc): Philipp Raab
- Graduate course-related advising (Master SowiNa): Philipp Raab
- Course-related advising for Social Education (Teaching Degree): Dr. Frank Schiefer
- Course-related advising for Business and Employment Studies (Teaching Degree): Petra Meißner
- Internships: Dr. Christoph Mohamad-Klotzbach
- Examination Office (questions concerning transcript of records, certificates or the like): Unit 2.3 - Examination Office · Examination Committee Political and Social Studies
- Student Affairs (Enrollement, re-enrolement, leave of absence, deadlines for change of subject or university): Unit 2.2 - Student Affairs
- Seminar coordination and WueStudy admininstration: Dr. Matthias Gsänger and Dr. Daniel Suber.
- Student contacts: Student Advocacy Group
For general enquiries, please contact:
Institute of Political Science and Sociology
Faculty of Human Sciences
University of Würzburg
Wittelsbacherplatz 1
97074 Würzburg
Tel: +49 (0)931 / 31 83992
Director: Prof. Dr. Andreas Göbel
For enquiries regarding this website or the Institute's social media profiles, please contact:
- Dr. Philipp Gieg
- Lukas Schmidt (Student Assistant)
All Staff
If you would like to contact professors or staff members of the Institute of Political Science and Sociology directly, you will find an alphabetical and organizational overview of the Institute's staff here.
- Milan Banse
- Lukas Beckmann
- Steve Biedermann
- Jürgen Deniffel
- Dr. Elena Dück
- Dr. Philipp Gieg
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Göbel
- Prof. Dr. Sonja Grimm
- Prof. Dr. Christiane Gross
- Dr. Matthias Gsänger
- Anja Harder
- Julian Höfner
- Bärbel Janietz
- Sabine Kehr
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Kestler
- Linda Koch
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Lauth
- Lukas Lemm
- Dr. Thomas Leuerer
- Simone Mann
- Petra Meißner
- Anna-Sophia Mittmann
- Dr- Christoph Mohamad-Klotzbach
- Micha Pastuschka
- Dr. Gerd Pfister
- Philipp Raab
- Dr. Frank Schiefer
- Tetyana Schmitt
- Nea Solander
- Hans Stanka
- Roman Stolzenberger
- Dr. Daniel Suber
- Sebastian Suttner
- Michaela Thoma
- Prof. Dr. Elke Wagner
- Tabea Yilu
- Dr.’in Laura Zapfe
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Zeigermann
- Anna De Moraes Bennech
- Julia Brähler
- Dr. Jennifer Brichzin
- PD Dr. Stephan Bröchler (Vertretung)
- Silja Debling
- Dr. Anastasiia Dehterenko
- Dr. Paul Djakowski
- Susanne Glaesemer-Seiler
- Lea Goldan
- Johannes Greubel
- Peggy Knauer
- PD Dr. Jan Künzler
- Dr. Sven Lewandowski
- Timo Lowinger
- Dr. Michael Melcher
- Prof. Dr. Christian Meyer
- Prof. em. Dr. Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet
- Manuel Pietzko
- Regina Renner
- PD Dr. Rosemarie Sackmann
- René Salomon
- Dr. Manuela Scheuermann
- Dr. Stefan Schwaneck
- Dr. Tim Seidenschnur
- Lena Setzer
- Jeffrey Spiegler
- Theresa Stawski
- Dr. Martin Stempfhuber
- Martha Suda
- Dr. Katharina Wagner
- Stephen Wagner
- Prof. em. Dr. Paul-Ludwig Weinacht
- Dr. Tanja Wolf
- Matheus Jones Zago
- Marco Zeiss
- Dr. Anja Zürn