
Not all the news below can be provided in English. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Jetzt anmelden: WüMUN 2025 – 1. Würzburger Model United Nations

Handelsblatt interviewt Prof. Sonja Grimm zum Kahlschlag bei USAID

Erfolgreicher Auftakt der Bayerischen Wissenschaftsallianz für Friedens-, Konflikt- und Sicherheitsforschung

New Special Issue published: (Re)Writing Global Gender Norms – The Role of Southern Actors

Research & Teaching

WüMUN Würzburg Model United Nations

On May 9 and 10, 2025, up to 180 participants at JMU Würzburg will simulate negotiations in the bodies of the United Nations (Security Council, General Assembly, Economic and Social Council, UNESCO).


EMBRACing changE: Overcoming Blockages and Advancing Democracy in the European Neighbourhood (EMBRACE)

The EMBRACE project analyses authoritarian resilience and de-democratization in the European Neighbourhood.


ICAS:MP Centre of Advanced Studies

The Chair is participating in ICAS:MP Centre of Advanced Studies which has been established in New Delhi and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


Research Network External Democracy Promotion (EDP)

The EDP network investigates the international promotion and defense of democracy, coordinated by the chair.



Learn more about our main areas of research, research projects as well as doctoral and postdoctoral project:



In the Bachelor's, Master's and teacher training programs, our courses cover the breadth of Iternational Relations and European Studies.



The chair regularly hosts lectures, conferences, and panel discussions and organizes excursions and simulations.


In the Media

The Chair's team regularly share their research findings and expertise with the public. Stay informed about our presence in the press, radio, television and online media.
