Deutsch Intern
Institute of Political Science and Sociology

Dr. Elena Dück: Publications

Artikel in Peer Reviewed Journals

Dück, E. & B. Stahl (2023). Wie schnell wendet sich das Blatt? Forumsbeitrag zur Zeitenwende. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, pp. 109-128.

Dück, E., Rieger, E. & B. Stahl (2021). The time for realism? Assessing US and Russian foreign policy in the Syrian war from realist perspectives, Global Affairs, Vol. 7, pp. 253-270.

Dück, E. (2019). The International Model Citizen and the Syrian War: Canadian Identity from a Civilian Power Perspective. International Journal, Vol. 74 (3), pp. 387-404.*

Dück, E. & R. Lucke (2019). Same Old Securitization? A Comparison of Political Reactions to Major Terrorist Attacks in the United States and France, Croatian International Relations Review, Vol. 25 (84), pp. 6-35.*

Dissertation (Rahmenschrift)

Dück, E. (2020). Identity makes the World go round. Social Constructivist Foreign Policy Analysis*, Universität Passau.

Articles in Journals without Peer-Review

Dück, E. (2022). German-Turkish cultural and educational relations after the German elections:  A new golden era?, Orient 63 (2), pp. 35-39.

Dück, E. (2021). Türkei: Die ewige Beitrittskandidatin?, in Zeitschrift für angewandte Politikwissenschaft (PSCA), Heft 11, pp. 30-32.

Kapitel in Sammelbänden

Dück, E. (2023). Diplomacy and Foreign Policy in the Digital Era: A Case Study of the 2015 “Refugee Crisis” in Germany. In: Onditi, F., McLarren, K., Ben-Nun, G., Stivachtis, Y.A., Okoth, P. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Diplomatic Thought and Practice in the Digital Age. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp.  413-433.

Dück, E. (2022). Die EU und die USA im Nahen Osten in der Trump-Ära – divergierende Ordnungsvorstellungen und Strategien in Akbulut, H., Hagemann, S., Opitz, A. (Hrsg.) Umbruch, Zerfall und Restauration. Der Nahe Osten im Spannungsfeld regionaler Akteure und externer Mächte. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 137-158.

Dück, E. & S. Glassner (2021). The Enemy in my House. How right-winged Populism radicalized  the Debate about Citizenship in France, in Oswald, M. (Hrsg.) Handbook on Populism. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 629-648.

Dück, E.; Stahl, B. & K. McLarren (2019). Trump’s Foreign Policy: Erratic Individualism Versus National Identity Change, in Oswald, M. (ed.) Mobilization, Representation, and Responsiveness in the American Democracy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 279-300.*

Dück, E.& R. Kordi (2018). Turkey and Tunisia: Building Bridges in Stormy Times, in Abderrahim, T; Besbes, S.; Krüger, L.; McLarren, K. (eds.) Transition inside and out. Tunisia's international relations since the ‘Arab Spring’, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 169-190.*

Beiträge in Handbüchern und Lexika

Dück, E. & B. Stahl (2020). Konstruktivismus in den Internationalen Beziehungen, in Oberreuter, H. Staatslexikon der Görres Gesellschaft, Herder, pp. 1156-1158.

Dück, E. & B. Stahl (2019). Realismus in den Internationalen Beziehungen, in Oberreuter, H. (ed.) Staatslexikon der Görres Gesellschaft, Herder, pp. 1024-1025.

Book Reviews

Dück, E. (2022). Kate Ferguson (2020). Architectures of Violence. The Command Structures of Modern Mass Atrocities, Vereinte Nationen, p. 41.

Dück, E. (2021). Catherine Carstairs/Bethany Philpott/Sara Wilmshurst (2018). Be Wise! Be Healthy! Morality and Citizenship in Canadian Public Health Campaigns, Zeitschrift für Kanadastudien (ZKS), p.217.  

Policies Briefs und Blog Posts

Dück, E. (2022). The manyfold (de-)securitizations of Covid-19. Crisis Discourse Blog.

Kutter, A., Dück, E. & C. Barnickel (2022). Covid-19 and the Reconfiguration of the Political.

Dück, E. (2021): German Cultural and Educational Policies in Turkey During the COVID-19  Pandemic: Challenges and Potential. IPC Policy Brief.

Dück, E. (2021). German External Cultural and Educational Policies in Turkey: Cooperation as Equal Partners?, IPC Policy Brief.

Im Erscheinen:

Dück, E. & B. Stahl (eds.): The Ukraine War as a formative Event in Global Security PoliciesPVS/GPSQ Special Issue.

Barnickel, C., Dück, E. & A. Kutter (eds.): Political reconfigurations during the Covid-19 Pandemic. CADAAD Journal Special Issue.