Deutsch Intern
Institute of Political Science and Sociology

Dr. Philipp Gieg: Presentations

India’s Africa Policy

  • Presentation at the Department of International Relations, South Asian University, New Delhi
  • 12 March 2024

The Civilian Power and the Zeitenwende: A New Era for German Foreign Policy?

  • Presentation at the Centre for European Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • 7 March 2024

Gender, BRICS and G20 – Contested Norms and Categories in Global Governance

  • Co-organisation ot the panel at the ICAS:MP workshop "The Lens of Gender: Refiguration of Categories"
  • India International Centre, New Delhi
  • 26 and 27 February 2024

Post-Pandemic Global Development Governance: Contestation, Crises and Change?

  • Presentation at the ICAS:MP conference "The World After the Pandemic"
  • Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), New Delhi
  • 23 February 2024

Competition for Africa: India and China's courtship of African projects

  • German title: Wettbewerb um Afrika: Indiens und Chinas Engagement um afrikanische Projekte
  • Participation and impulse at the panel discussion organised by Friedrich Naumann Stiftung
  • 13 December 2023 (online)

International Organizations and the Promotion of Gender Equality

  • Co-organisation of the panel at the ICAS:MP workshop "The Challenge of Gender"
  • 7. and 8. July 2023

Socio-Cultural Issues in Contemporary India

  • Participation and impulse at the expert panel of VW Future Research
  • 25 May 2022 (online)

Understanding German Foreign Policy

  • Presentation at the German Ukrainian Technology Transfer University Spring School
  • 23 May 2022

Listen to the Global South! Uncovering the Roles of Southern Actors in Writing Global Gender Norms

  • Co-organistaion of the international workshop in the framework of ICAS:MP (International Centre of Advanced Studies „Metamorphoses of the Political“)
  • 1 and 2 Dezember 2021 (online)

India’s Development Cooperation Policy towards Africa: Still a Prime Example of Non-Western Agency and South-South Cooperation?

  • Presentation held during the workshop „Non-Western Agency in World Politics: Decentering Practices, Actions and Perceptions“
  • 8th European Workshops in International Studies 2021
  • 2 July 2021 (online)

EU-India Relations

  • Organisation of and hosting the international expert webinar with keynotes by EU Ambassador to India Ugo Astuto and Gunnar Wiegand, Managing Director for Asia and the Pacific at the European External Action Service
  • Available here: 
  • 22 April 2021 (online)

The Economisation of South-South Cooperation? The Evolution of India’s Development Cooperation Policy towards Africa

  • Presentation at the IB-Sektionstagung der DVPW (German Political Science Association)
  • 9 Oktober 2020 (online)

Inconsistencies and Unpredictability: US Africa Policy under Donald Trump

  • Presentation at the international 10th Annual Young Africanist Conference
  • Organised by the Centre for African Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi and the African Studies Association of India
  • 5 June 2020 (online)

COVID-19 and India-Africa Relations

  • Presentation at the international webinar „Africa and India during Corona Virus Crisis: New Challenges and Opportunities in Cooperation“
  • Organised by the African Studies Association of India and the Centre for African Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi
  • 15 May 2020 (online)

Russia and Europe

  • Impulse presentation at the panel discussion „Russia in Europe: EU-Russia Mutual Images and Understanding“ in the framework of the Russian Spring Academy 2020
  • Golitsyn Hall, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • 27 February 2020

Seeking its Role at the Wrong Time? German Foreign Policy between Continuity and Change

  • German title: Selbstfindung zur Unzeit? Deutsche Außenpolitik zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel
  • Presentation held during the seminar "Security Policy in the 21st Century" at Point Alpha Foundation, Geisa
  • 3 Dezember 2019

Norm Contestation in EU-India Relations – A Framework for Analyzing EU Strategic Partnerships

  • with Timo Lowinger, Manuel Pietzko and Anja Zürn
  • Presentation held during the workshop "In the Light of the EU's Global Strategy: India and the European Union – Joining Forces on the Global Scene?", organised by the Jean Monnet Chair at the Institute of Political Science and Sociology
  • 20 November 2019

Africa's "New" Partners China and India – Same Same but Different?

  • German title: Afrikas "neue" Partner China und Indien – same same but different?
  • Presentation held during the seminar "Afrika Rising! Positive Entwicklungen versus Spannungsfelder und Herausforderungen des Afrikanischen Kontinents" at Akademie Frankenwarte
  • 9 Oktober 2019

Germany's Africa Policy: Changing Interests, Strategies and Perceptions of Africa?

  • German title: Deutsche Afrikapolitik: Interessen, Strategien und Afrikabild im Wandel?
  • Presentation held during the seminar "Afrika Rising! Positive Entwicklungen versus Spannungsfelder und Herausforderungen des Afrikanischen Kontinents" at Akademie Frankenwarte
  • 9 Oktober 2019

German Foreign Policy

  • Presentation held during the International IPS Summer School "German Politics"
  • 1 August 2019

War and Peace

  • German title: Krieg und Frieden – Gedanken zu zentralen Begrifflichkeiten der Friedens-und Konfliktforschung
  • Presentation held during the Residenzakademie of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
  • 2 November 2018

German Foreign Policy 1945-1992

  • Presentation held during the International IPS Summer School "German Politics"
  • 16 July 2018

Debt‐trap Diplomacy or a Better Model for Development? An Analysis of China’s Africa Policy

  • Presentation held at the University of Jena
  • 12 June 2018

Germany's Africa Policy

  • German title: Deutsche Afrikapolitik
  • Presentation held during the seminar "Alles Krieg? Alles schwarz? Alles wild? Das Afrikabild in Deutschland in der Analyse" at Akademie Frankenwarte
  • 30 May 2018

Congo and China – A Win-Win Partnership?

  • German title: Kongo und China – Eine Win‐Win‐Partnerschaft?
  • Presentation held during the "Länderabend Kongo" at Akademie Frankenwarte, co-organised with Dr. Julien Bobineau
  • 11 April 2018

Kongo and China – A Win Win Partnership?

  • German title: Kongo und China – Eine Win-Win-Partnerschaft?
  • November 30th, 2017

German Foreign Policy 1945-1992

  • Presentation held during the International IPS Summer School "German Politics"
  • August 3rd, 2017

Between Trump and Brexit: A Forced Change for German Foreign Policy?

  • German title: Zwischen Trump und Brexit – Steht die deutsche Außenpolitik vor einem erzwungenem Wandel?
  • Presentation at Staatliche Berufsoberschule Würzburg
  • April 6th, 2017

China und Afrika – A Success Story? 

  • Presentation at the Kolping-Familie Waldbüttelbrunn
  • November 17th, 2016

Of Conflict, Competition – and Cooperation?
China’s and India’s Africa Policy and Prospects for Collaboration

  • Paper presentation at the 24th World Congress of Political Science in Poznań, Poland
  • July 25th, 2016

German Foreign Policy 1945-1992

  • Presentation held during the International IPS Summer School "German Politics"
  • July 20th, 2016

In Search of... German Foreign Policy between Continuity and Change

  • German title: Auf der Suche... Deutsche Außenpolitik zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel
  • Presentation held at Staatliche Berufsoberschule Würzburg
  • April 4th, 2016

Great Game for Africa? China's Influence in Africa

  • German title: Great Game um Afrika? Der Einfluss Chinas in Afrika
  • Presentation held at the Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Würzburg
  • January 14th, 2016

Germany and Africa
The Africa Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany since 1949

  • German title: Deutschland und Afrika. Die Afrikapolitik der Bundesrepublik seit 1949
  • Presentation held in the context of the "Africa – Problems and Prospects" series of presentations organized by the University of Würzburg Africa Centre
  • Toscana-Saal, Würzburg Residence
  • November 27, 2015

China and the Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Presentation held at the International Conference "Africa’s Engagement with Japan, China, South Korea and India: A Comparative Perspective"
  • IIC India International Centre, New Delhi (India)
  • October 10th, 2015

The European Union: Achievements, Evolution and Functioning

  • Presentation held at Panjab University, Chandigarh (India)
  • With Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet
  • October 1st, 2015

Invoking History, Projecting Success
China’s and India’s Policy and Soft Power vis-à-vis Africa

  • Presentation held at the International Conference “Asian Studies in Africa: Challenges and Prospects of a New Axis of Intellectual Interactions”, organised by the Association of Asian Studies in Africa
  • University of Ghana, Legon/Accra (Ghana)
  • September 25th, 2015

German Foreign Policy 1945-1992

  • Presentation held during the International IPS Summer School "German Politics"
  • July 27th, 2015

The Africa Policy of the European Union

  • German title: Die Afrikapolitik der EU
  • Presentation held at the Bavarian conference of the Young European Federalists (JEF)
  • June 28th, 2015

German Foreign Policy 2015
A new approach and more responsibility?

  • Presentation held at Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation)
  • March 19th, 2015

EU, Germany and the Ukraine crisis

  • Introductory presentation in the context of the panel discussion "Current Change of Russia's Image in Germany: Debates in German politics and society"
  • Biblioteka, Nevsky Prospekt, Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation)
  • March 18th, 2015

Elephant or Tiger?
India and the World in the 21st Century

  • German title: Elefant oder Tiger? Indien und die Welt im 21. Jahrhundert
  • Presentation held at Röntgen-Gymnasium, Würzburg
  • February 4th, 2015

Germany's Africa Policy

  • German title: Deutsche Afrikapolitik
  • Presentation held at Young Africa Centre, University of Würzburg
  • January 15th, 2015

The BRICS Factor - Prospects and challenges for the EU’s Africa policy

  • Presentation held at the International Conference on "India and Africa in the 21st Century: Experiences and Issues of Governance, Development and Foreign Policy", organized by the Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) and Policy Research Institute of African Studies Association of India (PRIASA), New Delhi
  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • December 11th, 2014

Modi-fying India-Africa relations?
New Delhi’s Africa policy before and after the 2014 elections

  • Presentation held at the International Seminar on "India and Africa: Developmental Experiences and Bilateral Cooperation", organized by Wolkite University, Ethiopia, in collaboration with Centre for African Studies, JNU, and African Studies Association of India, New Delhi
  • Butajira, Ethiopia
  • December 8th, 2014

Same same but different? Convergence and difference between China’s and India’s relations with Africa

  • Key Presentation at the symposium "Same same but different? India-Africa Relations and Chinese Involvement in the Continent", organized by UGC Centre for African Studies, SIS/JNU, in collaboration with Policy Research Institute of African Studies Association of India (PRIASA)
  • Centre for African Studies
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Univeristy (JNU), New Delhi, India
  • Oktober 21, 2014

Germany and the World 1945–2014

  • Presenation held at Department of Political Science
  • Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
  • October 13, 2014

The BRICS Factor - Challenges for the EU’s Policy towards Africa

  • Presentation held at the symposium "India, Africa, Europe" at the Department of African Studies and the Department of Civics & Politics
  • University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India
  • Oktober 8, 2014

The Benign Brother?

  • Presentation held at Department of Geopolitics and International Relations
  • Manipal University, Manipal, India
  • September 27, 2014

The Relations between India and Africa

  • Presentation held at Mangalore University College, Mangalore, India
  • September 26, 2014

The Relations between India and Africa

  • Presentation held at Department of Business Administration and at Department of Political Science
  • Mangalore University, Mangalore, India
  • 25. September 2014

German Foreign Policy under Adenauer

  • Introductory presentation held at School of International Studies, Centre for European Studies
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India
  • September 22, 2014

Tiger and Dragon

  • Presentation held at Department of Political Science
  • Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, India
  • September 17, 2014

The Benign Brother?
The Relations between India and Africa

  • Presentation held at DAAD Alumni project "Euro-IBSA week"
  • University of Würzburg
  • July 8th, 2014

Same same but different?
India-Africa relations and Chinese involvement in the continent

  • Presentation held at the Conference of the African Studies Association in Germany (VAD), June 11th to 14th, 2014
  • University of Bayreuth
  • June 13th, 2014

China, Congo und the new role of the People's Republic in Africa

  • Presentation held at the 1st Würzburg Congo Conference, May 27th to 28th, 2014
  • University of Würzburg
  • May 28, 2014

China's New Silk Road

  • Presentation held in the context of the seminar "China's Firms in Global Markets"
  • Institute of East and South Asian Cultural Studies, University of Würzburg
  • May 20th, 2014

Beijing – Kinshasa
Chinese Africa policy and the Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Presentation held at the convention of the Africa working group of the FES scholarship holders, May 1st to 4th, 2014
  • University of Würzburg
  • May 4, 2014

A New Foreign Policy Approach for the Federal Republic of Germany?
German Foreign Policy from a role-theoretical perspective

  • Presentation held at Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg (Russia)
  • With Michael Melcher
  • March 27th, 2014

Elephant or Tiger?
India and the World in the 21st Century

  • German title: Elefant oder Tiger? Indien und die Welt im 21. Jahrhundert
  • Presentation held at Röntgen-Gymnasium, Würzburg
  • January 29th, 2014

China in Africa

  • German title: China in Afrika
  • Presentation held at Schweinfurt Town Hall
  • January 20th, 2014

Africa and the Emerging Powers - China, India and Brasil in Africa

  • German title: Afrika und die aufstrebenden Mächte - Was machen und was wollen China, Indien und Brasilien auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent?
  • Presentation held at the seminar "Focus Africa - Economy, Trade and Development" of the Association for Civic Education e.V., sponsord by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education
  • Akademie Frankenwarte Würzburg
  • November 26th, 2013

Africa and the West since Independence

  • German title: Afrika und der Westen seit der Unabhängigkeitswelle
  • Presentation held at the seminar "Focus Africa - Economy, Trade and Development" of the Association for Civic Education e.V., sponsord by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education
  • Akademie Frankenwarte Würzburg
  • November 25th, 2013

A Short History of Africa

  • German title: Kurze Geschichte Afrikas
  • Presentation held at the seminar "Focus Africa - Economy, Trade and Development" of the Association for Civic Education e.V., sponsord by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education
  • Akademie Frankenwarte Würzburg
  • November 25th, 2013

China makes all the difference
Africa in the focus of economic interests

  • German title: China macht den Unterschied. Afrika im Fokus wirtschaftlicher Interessen
  • Presentation held at Münchner Volkshochschule
  • Kulturzentrum Gasteig, Munich
  • November 13, 2013

Prospects and Inconsistencies: The EU's Policy towards Africa

  • Presentation held at Department of Political Science
  • University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
  • October 30th, 2013

Accomplishing all Goals, not finding a Role?
German Foreign Policy after Unification

  • Presentation held at School of International Studies
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India
  • October 21st, 2013

Fundamental Principles of German Basic Law

  • German title: Die Grundprinzipien des Grundgesetzes
    • Presentation held at AnsprechBar, Würzburg
    • September 5th, 2013

    Great Game for Africa?

    • German title: Great Game um Afrika?
      • Presentation held at AIESEC Local Committee Würzburg
      • Old University, Würzburg
      • June 25th, 2013

      Crisis of Democracy? How the German Political System works

      • German title: Demokratie in der Krise? Wie Politik gemacht wird
        • Seminar of the Association for Civic Education e.V., sponsored by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education
        • With modules on the German constitution, the German party system, the political system of the European Union and its influence on Germany, economic policy and civil society.
        • Akademie Frankenwarte Würzburg
        • June 17th to 21st, 2013 and July 1st to 5th, 2013

        China‘s New Silk Road

        • Presentation held in the context of the seminar "China's Firms in Global Markets"
        • Institute of East and South Asian Cultural Studies, University of Würzburg
        • May 14th, 2013

        China, India and Brazil in Africa - Challenge to Western Security Policy?

        • German title: China, Indien und Brasilien in Afrika - Herausforderung für die westliche Sicherheitspolitik?
          • Presentation held during the seminars "Africa – Risk factor or factor of stability in the global environment?"
          • Karl Arnold Foundation, Königswinter
          • April 10th, 2013

          India and the World

          • German title: Indien und die Welt
          • Presentation held at Röntgen-Gymnasium, Würzburg
          • February 6th, 2013

          India - New World Power?

          • German title: Neue Weltmacht Indien?
          • Presentation held in Estenfeld
          • January 9th, 2013

China and Angola - Beijing's New Role in Africa

  • German title: China und Angola - Die neue Rolle der Volksrepublik in Afrika
  • Presentation held for University of Würzburg's Delegation to New York's National Model United Nations
  • Alte Universität, Würzburg
  • December 12th, 2012

Africa and the Emerging Powers - China, India and Brasil in Africa

  • German title: Afrika und die aufstrebenden Mächte - Was wollen China, Indien und Brasilien auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent?
  • Presentation held at the seminar "Africa - In the Focus of Economic Interests" of the Association for Civic Education e.V., sponsord by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education
  • Akademie Frankenwarte Würzburg
  • November 20th, 2012

Africa and the West since Independence

  • German title: Afrika und der Westen seit der Unabhängigkeitswelle
  • Presentation held at the seminar "Africa - In the Focus of Economic Interests" of the Association for Civic Education e.V., sponsord by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education
  • Akademie Frankenwarte Würzburg
  • November 19th, 2012

India - New World Power?

  • German title: Neue Weltmacht Indien?
  • Presentation held at Schelfenhaus, Volkach
  • November 6th, 2012

Crisis of Democracy? How the German Political System works

  • German title: Demokratie in der Krise? Wie Politik gemacht wird
  • Seminar of the Association for Civic Education e.V., sponsored by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education
  • With modules on the German constitution, the German party system, the political system of the European Union and its influence on Germany, economic and education policy and civil society.
  • Akademie Frankenwarte Würzburg
  • October 15th to 19th, 2012

India - New World Power?

  • German title: Neue Weltmacht Indien?
  • Presentation held at Johann-Schöner-Gymnasium, Karlstadt
  • October 10th, 2012

China in Africa

  • German title: China in Afrika
  • Presentation held at Littmann-Atelier im Arkadenbau, Bad Kissingen
  • October 8th, 2012

India's Changing Foreign Policy

  • German title: Indiens Außenpolitik im Wandel
  • Presentation held at the 9th Indian Film Festival in Stuttgart
  • July 20th, 2012

Crisis of Democracy? How the German Political System works

  • German title: Demokratie in der Krise? Wie Politik gemacht wird
  • Seminar of the Association for Civic Education e.V., sponsored by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education
  • With modules on the German constitution, the German party system, the political system of the European Union and its influence on Germany, economic and education policy and civil society.
  • Akademie Frankenwarte Würzburg
  • June 11th to 15th, 2012 and July 2nd to 6th, 2012

US Energy Security and Africa

  • German title: US-Strategien der Rohstoffsicherung in Afrika
  • Presentation held during the conference "Africa's Resources - Curse or Blessing?", organised by the Hanns Seidel Foundation in cooperation with the ASKO Europe Foundation, January 18th to 20th, 2012.
  • European Academy, Otzenhausen
  • January 19th, 2012

China in Africa

  • German title: China in Afrika
  • Presentation held in the context of the Universitätsbund Würzburg winter series of presentations 2011-12 in cooperation with the Rotary Club Karlstadt-Arnstein
  • Schwanensaal of Sparkasse Mainfranken, Karlstadt
  • November 8th, 2011

Crisis of Democracy? How the German Political System works

  • German title: Demokratie in der Krise? Wie funktioniert das Politische System in Deutschland
  • Seminar of the Association for Civic Education e.V., sponsored by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education
  • Akademie Frankenwarte Würzburg
  • June 27th to July 1st, 2011

China in Africa

  • German title: China in Afrika
  • Presentation held in the context of the "Africa - Problems and Prospects" series of presentations organized by the University of Würzburg Africa Centre
  • Toscana-Saal, Würzburg Residence
  • June 17th, 2011

Crisis of Democracy? How the German Political System works

  • German title: Demokratie in der Krise? Wie funktioniert das Politische System in Deutschland
  • Seminar of the Association for Civic Education e.V., sponsored by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education
  • Akademie Frankenwarte Würzburg
  • May 23th to 27th, 2011

Cape Verde since Independence
From One-Party System to Africa's Most Democratic Nation

  • German title: Kap Verde seit der Unabhängigkeit. Vom Einparteienstaat zur demokratischsten Nation Afrikas
  • Poster for the tent of University of Würzburg at Africa Festival
  • 24th Africa Festival, Würzburg
  • Mai 25th to 28th, 2012

Senegal since Independence
From Senghor to Sall

  • German title: Senegal seit der Unabhängigkeit. Von Senghor bis Sall
  • Poster for the tent of University of Wurzburg at Africa Festival
  • 24th Africa Festival, Würzburg
  • Mai 25th to 28th, 2012

Haiti since the 1990s

  • with Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet
  • German title: Haiti seit den 1990er Jahren
  • Poster for the tent of University of Wurzburg at Africa Festival
  • 23th Africa Festival, Würzburg
  • June 2nd to 5th, 2011