Curriculum Vitae
- Since August 2016: assistant to the Women’s Representative of the Faculty of Human Sciences
- Since April 2014: research assistant and PhD-student, Chair for Comparative Political Science and Political Systems
- Since April 2014: PhD-student (Dr. rer. pol), Graduate School of Law, Economics and Society (Working title of PhD thesis: Right-wing extremist and right-wing populist parties in Europe: Comparison and Typology)
- October 2011 until March 2013: Masters program ‘Political and Social Sciences’ at Julius-Maximlians-Universität Würzburg (Title of Master thesis: Propaganda in Socialist States – comparing the GDR and Ceausescu’s Romania)
- October 2011 until March 2013: student tutor, Chair for Comparative Political Science and Political Systems
- October 2008 until July 2011: Bachelors program ‘Political and Social Studies’ at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Title of Bachelor Thesis: Right-wing parties in Belgium and the Netherlands)