
Not all the news below can be provided in English. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Institutskolloquien am 15. und 22. Januar

Neues Sonderheft „Local Climate and Energy Politics” in der ZfVP

WüMUN 2025: 1. Würzburger Model United Nations

Sicherheitspolitisches Forum 2025: Zur Sicherheit Europas nach der US-Wahl: Quo vadis?

Latest Announcements for Students

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Prüfungsanmeldung am IPS im Wintersemester 2024/25

Bekanntmachung – Politische Theorie

Wichtige Information zum Bereich „Verschiedene Fächer“ in PSS 180: Modulangebot aus der Psychologie

Study and Research

Interested in Studying?

Are you interested in studying Political Science and Sociology? Our institute is offering the Bachelor's Program Political and Social Studies (PSS) as well as two Master's Programs. Furthermore, we are welcoming incoming ERASMUS+ and programme students.

Incoming ERASMUS+

Bachelor PSS

Master PSSc

Master SowiNa

Information for our Students

You are already studying at IPS in one of our programs? You'll find all recent announcements and all information regarding your studies here:



The Institute of Political Science and Sociology is organized into seven divisions as well as two didactics providing teacher training.



IPS is involved in numerous research projects. In addition, five research groups have been established, which – together with our working paper series WAPS – shed light on the various research foci of the institute.


Research Groups

Worrking Papers