Deutsch Intern
Institute of Political Science and Sociology

Single-subject Master SowiNa 120

In the Master program Social Science Sustainability Studies (SowiNa), the acquisition of 40 ECTS credits in the compulsory area of topic-specific basics in political science and sociology is planned in the first and second semesters. The compulsory area includes:

  • Introduction to social science sustainability studies
  • Sociological sustainability research
  • Quantitative methods
  • Sustainability policy at international and EU level
  • Comparative environmental policy
  • Qualitative methods
  • Communication, sustainability and publics
  • Sustainability and justice

30 ECTS credits are to be acquired in the second and third semesters in the compulsory elective area, whereby modules with graded examinations amounting to at least 15 ECTS credits must be completed. The freely selectable range of courses allows students to set individual priorities and includes additional qualifications such as an internship or experience in teaching.

At the end of the second semester, groups are formed to develop research projects (20 ECTS points) on changing topics and carry them out in the third semester. This includes the precise formulation of a research question, its theoretical foundation and appropriate methodological implementation. Here, students can once again set individual priorities, acquire extensive research skills and further sharpen their profile.

The fourth semester is focused on writing the Master thesis. The processing time is six months. In addition, the fourth semester includes an oral examination that covers topics from the entire Master program in two sub-disciplines of the Master program.

Study plan

For an initial overview, you can view the study plan of the Master program in Social Science Sustainability Studieshere. In the four-semester framework of a research-oriented Master program (120 ECTS), we provide you with broad-based in-depth knowledge in the social sciences.

Study plan single-subject master SowiNa 120


The Master program contains basic modules from the fields of:

  • Social science sustainability studies
  • Sustainability policy at international and EU level
  • Comparative environmental policy
  • Quantitative methods advanced course in social science sustainability studies
  • Qualitative methods advanced course in social science sustainability studies
  • Sustainability and Publics
  • Sustainability and justice
  • Sociology of Globalisation and World Society

And elective modules such as:

  • Climate change, climate impacts, climate protection
  • Cultural Globalisation
  • Social change
  • Comparative analysis of selected policy fields
  • Global governance, governance of sustainability
  • Geography of the global economy
  • Policy Evaluation Methods
  • Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
  • Topics in Migration etc.


Examples from teaching


Do you have questions about the Master program in Social Science Sustainability Studies?

  • For general questions and questions about the application procedure, please contact the academic advisor Philipp Raab.
  • You can also get more information about a Master program at the University of Würzburg from the Academic Advising Center and the Student Council.