Deutsch Intern
Institute of Political Science and Sociology

Curriculum Vitae

I am a political scientist with a strong background in International Relations, European Integration and Comparative Politics and a keen interest in applied qualitative and quantiative methodology of social inquiry. I am Adjunct Professor at the Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Konstanz (D). In summer term 2020, I work as Replacement Professor at the Institute of Political Science and Sociology, University of Würzburg (D). Priorly, I have been Senior Lecturer at the University of Konstanz (D) and I have served as Replacement Professor at the Universities of Basel (CH), Göttingen (D) and Konstanz (D). I earned my PhD from Humboldt University Berlin (D) while being a researcher at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB).

In my research, I specialize in the field of democratization and state-building in developing, transitioning, fragile and post-conflict contexts. My research focuses on causes and consequences of state fragility, and the politics of international state-building and externally overseen transition to democracy.  This includes my PhD thesis on political reorganization after military intervention under external oversight and my habilitation thesis on studies of international democracy promotion through EU and UN actors in post-conflict societies and fragile states. 

More about me can be found at