Program in Winter Semester 2023/24
Sustainability as a Challenge for Deliberative Democracy

Discussions about sustainability and deliberative democracy have been developing since the end of the 1980s and have referred to each other from the very beginning. As early as 1992, Agenda 21 of the Rio Conference, for example, called in several chapters, including the chapter on Local Agenda 21, for communication processes between institutionalized politics and the population and for agreement to be reached on sustainability goals.
Since then, critical objections to the original concepts and empirical research have contributed to differentiations and further developments in both discussions, without abandoning the original objectives. Examples of this include citizens' councils on climate protection or other pressing sustainability issues such as mobility and the energy transition.
In our inter- and transdisciplinary events in the winter semester 2023/24, we would like to shed light on sustainability in deliberative systems in the field of tension between normativity and normality from a social science perspective. We will focus on deliberative spaces, deliberative acts and deliberative knowledge.
Deliberative Spaces
Online Debate [in German]: Participation for more sustainability? The role of citizens' councils for sustainability transformations
04.12.2023 · 18:00
With Prof. Dr. Miriam Hartlapp (Professorship of Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Deutschland und Frankreich, Freie Universität Berlin); Dr. Rikki Dean (Democratic Innovations Research Unit, Goethe Universität Frankfurt), Rabea Koss (BürgerBegehren Klimaschutz e.V.) and Prof. Dr. Andreas Schäfer (Department of Innenpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Humboldt Universität Berlin)
Deliberative Acts
Representation and participation of young people in agricultural policy-making – Insights from Peru
20.11.2023 · 18:00
English Talk via Zoom by Eliana Antezana, coordinator and principal investigator of the project “Agroecological Youth in Action for Peru"
Workshop on "Climate Feelings"
30.01.2024 · 18:30
Organized with and especially for students of the Master's course "Social Science Sustainability Studies" at IPS with speakers from the Würzburg group "Psychologists for Future".
Deliberative Knowledge
Research Colloquium
13.12.2023 · 16:00 · Room 03.103
Inter alia on the topic of "Participatory Action Research" with a report from Linda Koch's field research and other reports from current research projects
Research Colloquium
31.01.2024 · 16:00 · Room 03.103
Inter alia on "Shifting of the Political in the context of the Anthropocene" with a research report by Matyáš Křížkovský and other reports from current research projects