
New Special Issue published: (Re)Writing Global Gender Norms – The Role of Southern Actors

Dr. Philipp Gieg, together with Soumita Basu (South Asian University, New Delhi) and Peace Medie (University of Bristol), has edited a special issue of the journal Women's Studies International Forum. Entitled "(Re)Writing Global Gender Norms: The Role of Southern Actors", the issue brings together six articles demonstrating how Global South actors have informed globally negotiated gender norms. The publication traces back to an ICAS:MP workshop.


Conference and Research Visit: Dr. Philipp Gieg in India

In February and March 2024, Dr. Philipp Gieg from the Chair of International Relations and European Studies spent several weeks in India for a conference and research visit.


Workshop Panel: "Gender, BRICS and G20 – Contested Norms and Categories in Global Governance"

In February 2024, the ICAS:MP workshop "The Lens of Gender: Refiguration of Categories" took place at India International Centre in New Delhi. In this framework, Dr. Philipp Gieg from IPS and Prof. Ummu Salma Bava from JNU New Delhi convened a panel on "Gender, BRICS and G20 – Contested Norms and Categories in Global Governance" on 27 February 2024.


New Publication: "India's Africa Policy"

"India's Africa Policy – Challenges of a Millennia-Old Relationship" has been published by Palgrave Macmillan. Dr. Philipp Gieg, postdoctoral reseracher at the Chair of International Relations and European Studies, analyzes India's contemporary Africa policy – from trade, investment and development cooperation to diplomatic relations and security policy.




The India Forum is participating in several projects which facilitate mobility, research, and teaching activities.



Here you'll find publications that have been published in the framework of the IPS India Forum, either by its members or by guest professors who have been visiting our Institute.



The India Forum regularly holds events like lectures, discussions, conferences as well as workshops and its members take part in international conferences to present their research.



The India Forum regularly welcomes Indian visiting lecturers and students to Würzburg. This relationship is however not one-sided. Members of faculty as well as students from Würzburg University also travel to India.


The India Forum's activities are supported by
the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from
the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).