Summer School zu German Politics
26.03.2015Das Institut für Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie wird vom 21. bis 28.7.2015 eine Summer School zu German Politics anbieten.
Die Summer School richtet sich exklusiv an ausländische Studierende, die innerhalb einer Woche Grundlagen und Besonderheiten bundesdeutscher Politik erlernen können. Sämtliche Lehrveranstaltungen werden in englischer Sprache gehalten, ein umfangreiches Rahmenprogramm rundet die Summer School inhaltlich ab. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auf unserer Website
Germany is the most populous democracy in the European Union and one of the major players in European politics. Nevertheless, German politics with its specific features and complex structures can be a conundrum of historic, cultural and constitutional peculiarities. The course aims to contextualize German Politics within a framework of contemporary history, institutional and comparative perspectives, decision making processes and Germany’s perspectives on Europe and the world.
The main topics will be contemporary German history, trends and issues in German politics, social structure of modern Germany (welfare state and the question of growing inequality), German political culture, the representative process (elections and voting behaviour, political parties, interest groups, federalism), the legislative process, and Germany’s role in international politics (Germany in the EU, governing the Euro crisis, German foreign policy).
All classes will be held in English language and include lectures, group discussions and field activities. By the end of the course students will be able to critically analyse contemporary German politics, have a solid foundation of knowledge about institutional and constitutional structures and constructively engage in academic discourse on German issues. Find more information on our website