English Intern
  • Team of the Chair of Social Science Sustainability
Institut für Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie

Representation and participation of young people in agricultural policy-making – Insights from Peru.


Englischer Vortrag des Forum Nachhaltigkeit am 20.11.2023 um 18:00 über ZOOM zum Thema "Representation and participation of young people in agricultural policy-making – Insights from Peru.".

In Peru, approximately 25% of the population is made up of young people. Despite being a significant part of the population, their voice is usually underrepresented in public policies and decision-making. In this context and in response to the growing concern about the low participation of young people in agrarian spaces, the project “Agroecological Youth in Action for Peru” was born. The project aims to contribute to the empowerment of young people in rural areas. The main objective is to strengthen their capacities and promote their active participation in decision-making in agroecology.  

Eliana Antezana is coordinator and principal investigator of the project “Agroecological Youth in Action for Peru", research and development project led by the National Association of Ecological producers, in alliance with the volunteer group Young Professionals for Agricultural Development Peru, and the University Social Responsibility initiative of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Eliana is an agricultural engineer with a specialization in agroecology and participatory action research. She will discuss the representation of young people's voices in policy-making and give insights about new approaches for deliberation in Peru. Her talk will be followed by a discussion.

The event introduces the lecture series " Deliberative Sustainability Governance - Spaces - Actors - Knowledge " of the Forum Sustainability and is sponsored by the Human Dynamics Center of the JMU.

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Meeting-ID: 626 1125 9490 
Passwort: 113655
